Friday, September 11, 2009
Where were you when you first heard of the attacks?
Regarding The Won's 9/11 speech...
I didn’t hear Obama's whole speech at the Pentagon this morning…I was conflicted by my personal disdain for the man, and a desire to know if he was going to respect the victims or disrespect the day.
For one thing, why is the man, one who hasn’t picked a place of worship since he “reluctantly” disavowed his bosom buddy Jeremiah Wright and Black Liberation Theology, the man who had religious symbols covered up for his speech at Georgetown, a Christian school, now quoting scripture to us?! Has he even been to church since then? Hypocrite.
I also found it distasteful that he made today NOT about the victims or the evil that rained down on us that day and continues to want us dead, but rather about the “volunteers”, and all the good touchy feely-ness about the terrible event that brought us together, even if only for a short time. I find his disrespect of this day disturbing, and screw his “National Day of Service.”
And as others have already pointed out, his words of his mission to “protect” the US are betrayed by his actions at home and his “other” words on foreign (and sometimes enemy) soil overseas, apologizing for America. Don’t bother apologizing for me, Hussein.
And why is he at the Pentagon, but saying “today we are all New Yorkers”? What about the soldiers and the military? You’re at our military HQ…show some respect!
What will it take to keep Dear Leader off our tv’s? In one week, we had the indoctrination of the “schoochildren“, the lies, name-calling and fear-mongering health “care” speech, today’s disrespectful 9/11 speech, and still to come is Sunday’s 60 minutes, and I think another speech on Monday (on Wall Street?) to demonize profits, free-markets and capitalism.
Hmmmm….ok, so that was more than a couple things…
Hussein, you disgust me. Now GET OFF MY TV!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
They don't have "death panels" in the UK...
Sentenced to death on the NHS
A good article on a Democrat?!
It’s not even 2012, and Sarah Palin, the “lightweight” Caribou Barbie stupid dumb right-wing inexperienced unqualified unaccomplished religious wacko birther enabling nut that came from Wasilla, has already defeated President Obama.
She has trounced Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
She has trumped MoveOn, ACORN, and Obama’s mass army of volunteers at Organizing for America.
She has out-demagogued the three stooges of MSNBC Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, and Rachel Maddow.
Oh, and she did it with Facebook notes.
Read that again: she did it with Facebook notes.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
BING is now dead to me
So I went a little further, typing in a "Sarah P"...and still no Palin, but instead I get "plain and tall/palan/ purcell/pender/polly/purcell/etc..."
So I try to force the suggestion by typing "Sarah Pali"...and still, the odd suggestions leave out the person, but instead give me her "pastor/son/wardrobe/pregnant daughter/college education/eyeglass prescription/etc..." You get the picture.
So I finish typing the name and hit SEARCH, and what would you guess the top hit was?
The F'n HUFFINGTON POST! "Sarah Palin's CLSA Speech May Be "Borat"-Style…" a small thumbnail pic of Sarah reading and having a cocktail at the pool with the caption "Will Sarah Quit on Asia Too?" linking to an article with that title.
BING is now dead to me, and should be to you too.
…and on a related note, I tried the same thing with Yahoo, and the “Search Suggestions” gave me the right person (Sarah Palin), and the results were much more balanced.
So it’s back to Yahoo for me, unless someone can suggest something better.